Snow Strawberry Crystal Bracelet
Snow Strawberry Crystal Bracelet
Snow Strawberry Crystal Bracelet

ViviRoco Jewelry

Snow Strawberry Crystal Bracelet

Sale price$25.00

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-Opal (8mm,10mmx1pcs)

-Strawberry Quartz (8mm)




It enhances your wisdom and equips you with the adaptability and confidence in learning 

Improves your romance and affection in relationships 

Enhances your immune function, promotes blood circulation and strengthens your metabolism

Make sure to have it with you when you are going for a job interview, signing a deal, presentation, etc

Helpful when you are about to make a decision that might change your life 

Has strong intuitive energies, it’ll attract good luck, especially if you are looking for something to give you strong monetary returns


-Strawberry Quartz:

Brings sense of calm and tranquility during times of stress

Form strong attachments and friendships

Amplifies intentions of love, appreciation and generosity

Radiate energies outward and influence your environment and people around you

Helps strengthen bond between parents and offspring and supports parents in setting healthy boundaries

Promotes inner strength and positivity

Remove distractions in mind so you can fully focus on task at hand

Crystal of good luck and fortune – Invite more prosperous energies

Attracts abundance of money to household

Gentle, nurturing vibration helps in search for soulmate or perfect love partner

Helps you look at life experiences with love, acceptance, and joy

Bring emotions into harmony so you can live life with increased appreciation and gratitude for all that life brings

Attracts and enhance loving and caring nature, eliminate anything of negative nature

Stone for love, helps you find perfect love partner



100% authentic crystals.

The inclusions are normal.

It also varies from different shades of colours. 

The prices depend on the rarity of each crystal.